7 Replies to “Secretary”

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  1. I’m wondering whether she really should have graduated, if she didn’t realize that 5 is larger than 4. Unless she thought it would take her more than 4 years to graduate.

    • She may have originally been working towards a more advanced BS rather than a BA, and thus expected to take 5 years to graduate.

  2. Requiring an employee to register or renew their registration for the job should be discussed up front. Only the law and parents have the right to force a person nude, not the employer. Unless there’s something in a contract that clearly states it’s a condition of employment, I say she should let the 5 year term finish and seek employment elsewhere if it leads to termination.

  3. Maybe, but it seems iffy to me. Exactly where the line is might vary, but generally workers have some protection from employers being too unreasonable WRT to permanent nudity. A contract requiring someone to (re-)register would already be on somewhat shaky ground, especially if it was buried in the fine print and not made very clear upfront.

    • The way this caption is written, it’s rather obvious that she was specifically hired as a PN Assistant. The CEO made it quite clear that he hired her because she was naked and she should not be at all surprised that her continued nudity is a condition of her continued employment. Further, the CEO is apparently pleased with her as an employee if he is offering her a 10 year contract extension along with assissting her with a 10 year PN extension. (and talking career through retirement…)

      1) She hasn’t voiced any other negative about work.
      2) She should not be considering covering that body with clothes anyway.
      3) She should accept the fact she will be naked for life (or most of it.)

  4. Hmm, she might want to check with an employee rights lawyer. Requiring permanude registration for a job is fine, but trying to pressure her into registering longer than she’s comfortable with seems very iffy.

    • Wouldn’t that depend on her conditions of employment? If the company is anxious to keep good workers might they not have had her sign a 10-year contract that specifies PN for the term, subject to a probationary period? If this is the case, the CEO would only be having her register for the term of her contract.

      If she was worried about being able to get any job while nude (as her post suggests), she might have signed a contract without checking the details.

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