5 Replies to “Pants”

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  1. The way she has stated it, I think she could get in trouble.

    As I understand it, a parent may strip the child as a punishment. Obviously, if the minor enjoys the result, it is not an effective punishment, but it is still control of clothing by the parents. In her case, if the parents just said “wear what you want” there is no control, and a judge might decide that this does not align with the either the letter or the purpose of the law and give her a naked sentence for unregistered nudity.

    I believe that to be safe she must get her parents to order her specifically not to wear pants.

    • I agree, as written, it’s somewhat ambiguous. But considering she claims not to remember the last time she wore pants, she might not remember what her parents actually said either. Perhaps they really did say “Alright, take them off, we’re officially keeping you bottomless until further notice.” or something of the sort.

      A couple of point I want to clarify though:

      It’s not always a punishment. And although specific laws might have quirks, generally there needn’t be any pretense that it is. Parents (likely PN themselves) might just decide nudity is healthy and they want to raise a naked family, for instance. But it does need to be the parents’ decision.

      And you said “minor”, while it could be a minor, I want to remind people that officially this authority extends to any “dependent” child, even if over 18. Captions might talk about growing up naked, as this one does, but no one naked is intended to be under 18 currently. Because, obviously all the pictures are adults, so there needs to be some in-universe justification for that.

  2. How sensible of her. Still though, the concept of “being naked” is so trivial. It’s just skin.

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