Recent Comments

  • Mike on Shower-Banished: Yeah, even in DeepL it’s the goofiest thing I’ve read in some time.Feb 10, 20:33
  • Anonymous on Hugging Friends: I have always wanted to give a good CMNF hug.Feb 10, 19:20
  • NudeWorldOrder on Shower-Banished: LOL It sure is.Feb 10, 18:05
  • William C. Kazak on No I’m Not: The officer let her go with a warning this time. He did take her clothes. He left her there to contemplate her transgression. However, he did require her to meet with him every Monday at this same private location. “It’s for your own good”, he said.Feb 10, 09:42
  • justcantgetitup on Shower-Banished: Google’s attempt to translate this into English is truly something to behold…Feb 10, 07:53
  • justcantgetitup on No I’m Not: Maybe this is the PN equivalent of streaking.Feb 10, 05:53
  • Vaguewriter on Weekend Volunteer 1: “All the men love me visiting, and I love visiting them too. I sit on their bed and let them stroke me,” she continued, “and three women. It’s the women that make me a tad uncomfortable.”Feb 10, 04:44
  • Anonymous on Super Waitress: If you are very nice to me I will give you my interpretation of the restaurant nameFeb 10, 02:16
  • Challenger22 on No Money: Certainly no complaints here.Feb 9, 23:47
  • Snocodude on No I’m Not: A registered PN who went out in public clothed? She’s lucky the officer only made her strip and didn’t double or triple her registration length with a Strict PN component added.Feb 9, 22:14
  • Anonymous on Weekend Volunteer 1: Sad story but pretty lady.Feb 9, 10:52
  • Vaguewriter on Can’t Stop Myself: Why does my boyfriend want tacos for lunch every time he comes over?Feb 9, 06:18
  • Vaguewriter on Vitamin D: The guys all laughed when Jim called my complexion ‘a whiter shade of pale’. I don’t need their vitamin D so they won’t be getting any vitamin C from me if you know what I mean.Feb 9, 06:14
  • Vaguewriter on I have News: I thought it would be funny to dump a bottle of dish soap into the fountain downtown. The judge disagreed. Now I’m stripped until they drain the fountain and I scrub it clean.Feb 9, 06:04
  • justcantgetitup on May I Take Your Photo?: I’m guessing it’s the oriental looking one with the boob job.Feb 9, 05:06
  • Mariner77 on May I Take Your Photo?: Your right or theirs? The blonde or the brunette?Feb 9, 04:46
  • Anonymous on PN High School Teacher: Certainly inappropriate the penis should be rampantly erectFeb 9, 02:03
  • justcantgetitup on Freeballin’ Chris: I was sooooo pissed when Dave said he couldn’t come to Pride with me because he was on duty that weekend! What he DIDN’T tell me was that he was that he was on duty AT PRIDE and sprung a lovely surprise on me! As you can tell, I was REALLY pleased to see him and we took some great CMNM pictures together!Feb 8, 20:14
  • That Lesbian Nudist Cult on Can’t Stop Myself: As well you should. It’s impolite for a Permanently Naked woman to NOT show off her genitals every chance she can. Why do you think they’re strongly pushed to sit with their legs spread out?Feb 8, 20:12
  • Anonymous on I have News: Aww, it’s okay. Everyone makes mistakes. I forgive you!Feb 8, 20:08
  • MLC777 on May I Take Your Photo?: The one on the rightFeb 8, 19:10
  • William C. Kazak on Can’t Stop Myself: Ok. We all looked at it. How about making some coffee for us now?Feb 8, 18:16
  • Anonymous on Beach Punishment: This caption and pic just don’t fit well, maybe that’s what the other anonymous poster really meant? It does seem like somebody just wanted to incorporate family themes in a story on a picture that doesn’t really support it. “Justcantgetitup” does make a pretty good point, overall. Although, let’s be honest, it’s not like this site shies away from taboo and family posts either. So let’s not act like we’re all innocent, okay? “Seeing sleaze and perversion first” is probably why this site exists, you know? It is a porn site, people. No need to act like everyone is the picture of morality and wholesomeness. It’s not a far leap for that poster or anyone else to make if Uber’s implying something taboo. I took that comment as “This isn’t a family friendly pic, don’t make it one.” Which, personally, I kind of agree with. It doesn’t mean that original submitter is trying to automatically imply anything wrong, but it doesn’t NOT imply anything wrong, either. If that makes sense. Not trying to start any BS with anybody on any side of any discussion. Just saying that there are several ways to interpret things. I personally don’t see a problem with this, but I don’t really care for it either to be frank. It just seems like two things jammed together that don’t belong. I don’t think it’s necessarily offensive, nor was it likely intended to offend, but it’s just what I would call “random silliness”. In reality, it’s pretty obvious that this is an “age gap couple”, so implying that its two family members is weird. Not “bad” per se, but definitely weird. Maybe that’s why it rubs some people the wrong way? Trying to turn something somewhat sexual into a family dynamic? Again, not trying to antagonize, just pointing out the strange choice of this particular combo of pic and caption. Let’s just all get along and not downward spiral again, okay? It’s okay to see things differently.Feb 8, 12:57
  • Vaguewriter on You’re Early: Brad was worried. He came here to study for the chemistry final, but their chemistry was too good and how could he fail to not react?Feb 8, 04:35
  • womble on Beach Punishment: Ooooo agreedFeb 8, 01:03
  • justcantgetitup on Beach Punishment: Julie, I’ve heard some of your friends calling me “Captain Peacock” behind my back and I can’t for the life of me work out why! Do YOU have any idea what it means?Feb 7, 23:35
  • justcantgetitup on Beach Punishment: I got the impression that she was complaining ABOUT her having to be naked in front of her Uncle to her Naturist Dad (with her Naturist Mom coming out of the sea behind his right arm). It seems some people always equate Naturism with sex when nothing could be further from the truth. I see a Naturist Dad who knows his little girl is upset so he’s holding her hand and trying to reassure her. Notice he’s not looking at her body at all. The reason for not wanting her Uncle to see her doesn’t have to be that she feels he’s perving on her. It’s more likely that she’s been close to him growing up and is ashamed that she has been badly behaved because she feels she’s let him down. The Uncle doesn’t necessarily even need to be at the Nude beach and she’s worried what he’ll think of her next time she sees him. So sad that some people’s default vision of the world is to see sleaze and perversion first.Feb 7, 23:31
  • PN Fan on Visit Canada: Some provinces, like Ontario, allow women to be topless. Sadly, it’s a privilege not often used.Feb 7, 22:59
  • womble on Beach Punishment: I know we were doing so well but you always get one that wants to start an argumentFeb 7, 22:14
  • William C. Kazak on Beach Punishment: If she wasn’t so bad then she would not have gotten a nude sentence. Maybe now she can develop a more cooperative attitude. Her uncle is merely testing her resolve to change.Feb 7, 20:42
  • Anonymous on Roller Skates: I love to feel wind in my pussyFeb 7, 19:59
  • Tanager on Beach Punishment: Oh FFS, not this crap again.Feb 7, 19:51
  • Anonymous on Beach Punishment: She hates it so much that she’s holding hands with her uncle, who is also nude? Yeah, that’s not weird at all. Clearly this submitter just wanted to make things awkward with a family themed caption. This is both lame and gross.Feb 7, 15:24
  • MLC777 on Not How it Looks: This needs the notreg tag.Feb 7, 10:16
  • Anonymous on Not How it Looks: Can i be your rake now? 😉Feb 7, 09:29
  • Vaguewriter on Showing Off on the Beach: She was lonely at first, but then word got around.Feb 7, 06:17
  • Vaguewriter on Not How it Looks: “It’s about time you got here. I started without you.”Feb 7, 06:14
  • Vaguewriter on Neighbor in the Window: Chloe glanced to see if her neighbor was looking then stripped and began washing the cleanest window in the condo. This only worked if they both pretended the other had no idea they were there.Feb 7, 06:11
  • Leeb29 on Not How it Looks: Let me help you with that…Feb 6, 21:27
  • justcantgetitup on Converse: If you have a penis of your own, you could take the picture and post it yourself. If not, you could ask a friend who’s got one to pose for you instead. Nobody would have to see their face.Feb 6, 21:16
  • NudeWorldOrder on Converse: Yeah, that’s one possible issue with this type of advertising.Feb 6, 18:58
  • Anonymous on Converse: I didn’t notice the shoesFeb 6, 14:18
  • justcantgetitup on Not How it Looks: Oops! Sorry! I didn’t realise you were a real person with a rake between their legs! From a few yards away, I thought one of the scarecrows had fallen over and I came to pick it up!Feb 6, 14:11
  • Anonymous on Not How it Looks: I’m the perv? You’re the one naked in public and riding a rake! As for looking away, not a chance! snaps pic Thanks!Feb 6, 12:28
  • Anonymous on The Morning After: There are worse things you could be regretting The Morning AfterFeb 6, 12:26
  • Vaguewriter on Quaint Tradition: The best time to visit the village is May first for the Running of the Studs when naked men compete in running, wrestling and feats of strength to impress the lovely and naked women.Feb 6, 08:13
  • Detroit Dale on Visit Canada: I’ve said the same thing. He’s right. Clothing optional makes way more sense than making people register with the government to be always nude. This system would slowly morph into that anyway. Most American cities don’t have enough police to arrest muggers, burglars and shoplifters, are they really going to be able to check which naked girl is registered and which isn’t? What about people who want to be naked sometimes, but not all the time? This law doesn’t help with that. The reason issue is freedom versus government regulations. A registration system is actually more intrusive on freedomFeb 6, 04:18
  • Anonymous on Trans Visibility: buggered if I knowFeb 6, 03:24
  • William C. Kazak on Handbook: She read that pamphlet so thoroughly that she almost wore it out. A rebel at heart, she needed to find a way to get a lifetime nude punishment. Of course, she wanted her boyfriend to be punished too. She will find a way.Feb 6, 02:15
  • William C. Kazak on Just Topless: April considered her options and realized topless was not going to be a problem. She was determined to get a nude punishment like her girlfriend. She could walk the dog and let Rusty make a mess in the neighbors yard.Feb 6, 02:10
  • William C. Kazak on Not Naked Anymore: Amy goes to the local drug store to buy her snacks. At the checkout, she realizes that she has not brought any cash. She has no pockets! How convient is this? The young man at the register always says; “no problem”. This happens all of the time. No problem.Feb 6, 02:03
  • Anonymous on First Patient: Actually I am the cleaning supervisor so this was a great start to my dayFeb 6, 01:55
  • Anonymous on First Steps: Dakota TylerFeb 6, 01:43
  • Anonymous on First Steps: What’s the name of this model, I can’t seem to recallFeb 5, 10:02
  • Vaguewriter on Visit Canada: Come see the dimpled cheeks on our snow bunnies.Feb 5, 06:39
  • Vaguewriter on First Steps: Whitney worried that people would laugh at her because she was so flat. She was about to turn around and go home when a boy on a skateboard rolled past and said, “Looking good, babe.” After that, she put a little strut in her step.Feb 5, 06:36
  • Vaguewriter on I Love Winter Weather: Teena decided to tone down her exhibitionism when her ‘Michigan Muff’ display caused a driver to run into the back of a bus. He deserved it for being such a reckless driver in a snowstorm, but the bus driver was blameless.Feb 5, 06:22
  • Amy on Visit Canada: Been to Canada and it’s a no-no, even topless can get you in trouble. But they do have nude beaches. 5, 05:24
  • justcantgetitup on Visit Canada: No doubt the Canadian authorities would have introduced registration as soon as they realised they could make money from it! Imagine what a boost it would be to the legal profession if the NWO came to be in real life!Feb 5, 02:44
  • justcantgetitup on Team Bonding: It’s fortunate for me. I like the model and was able to find some unpainted nudes in public with a reverse searchFeb 5, 02:16
  • Anonymous on Visit Canada: As I have said many times: Why make it unnecessarily difficult, when you can just allow Clothing Optional everywhere and all of the time?Feb 4, 21:21
  • NudeWorldOrder on Visit Canada: I decided to call this a “flashback” since Canada certainly has nude laws “now” in my setting, but honestly I’m still not quite sure what it means. Perhaps it implies that whenever this was they allowed people to just go naked any time without registering? I did mention once or twice that some places experimented with that before mostly moving to the registration system.Feb 4, 21:07
  • Anonymous on First Steps: I can’t just register for just topless pn, because people get confused whether I am a boy or girl. So i registered complete pn. My pussy on display makes sure, people will know that I am a girl.Feb 4, 19:31
  • NudeWorldOrder on Team Bonding: Well that’s unfortunate. I can confirm that was indeed a coincidence.Feb 4, 17:04
  • William C. Kazak on I Love Winter Weather: You have an amazing talent. Whenever I drive with a lady in my car she complains that she is too cold. Then I always say, “put your sweater on”. Later she tells me she is too hot! “Well then, take your sweater off”.Feb 4, 15:40
  • justcantgetitup on Team Bonding: By coincidence, this picture of a naked woman with a Spain football (soccer) strip painted on was posted on the very day that the former head of the Royal Spanish Football Federation went on trial for sexual assault because he forcibly kissed the team captain on the lips after Spain won the women’s World Cup.Feb 4, 13:45
  • LazyAssassin on Wild Woman: Right: You know, we were only joking that you have to naked on this trip. Its been a day already. I think you have proved your point, you can get dressed if you want. Left: I am fina Sara. I am reminded of how I used to go camping with my ex-boyfriend. We would be out for months, and I would be naked throughout. Honestly, I feel much better being naked while camping. And we will be out for only a week.Feb 4, 12:25
  • LazyAssassin on Lucky Hat: Hopefully you realize that your hat is the only thing you need to wear, and register for life.Feb 4, 12:17
  • Vaguewriter on Lucky Hat: Now all she had to figure out was how she was going to play goalie for her hockey team.Feb 4, 06:51
  • Vaguewriter on Morning Coffee: She enjoyed the frowns she got from the bundled up skinny women and the admiring glances from the men.Feb 4, 06:46
  • Vaguewriter on Fashion Student: Things went well. She enjoyed the admiring glances and the freedom up until she discovered that someone stole her dress and the key fob to her car with it. That was followed by a long naked walk to her apartment, and begging the creepy super to let her in. Still, she enjoyed her afternoon out and would do it again.Feb 4, 06:39
  • Anonymous on White Bikini: The contrast is fantastic. Paint the white areas with factor 50 and wax the stubble. The result will be awesomeFeb 4, 05:20
  • William C. Kazak on Morning Coffee: Thankfully for us you are not driving for your coffee. The shop owner probably thinks that you are good for business. That is why your coffee is always free in the morning. Besides, you have no pockets to carry your cashFeb 4, 02:12
  • William C. Kazak on Lucky Hat: If you live in New York, as your hat suggests, then you might really be wearing your lucky hat. It depends upon what six months of the year you are experiencing. I know how very cold it can be there in the winter months.Feb 4, 02:07
  • justcantgetitup on Lucky Hat: If it’s caused your sentence to be halved it’s an UNlucky hat for the rest of us.Feb 3, 23:50
  • Anonymous on Going Out: It’s probably more likely that it’s a girlfriend instead, since canonically most sapphics in this universe have some degree of PN.Feb 3, 17:27
  • justcantgetitup on Going Out: Bloody hell, you produce so many I’m surprised you can remember individual posts! 🙂Feb 3, 13:04
  • William C. Kazak on Fashion Student: You might like to try a naturist resort where nudity is required by everyone. Swimming, volleyball and conversations in the hot tub might relax you more than you feel right now. Newcomers are always welcomed and you might pick up a few new friends.Feb 3, 11:25
  • NudeWorldOrder on Going Out: Yeah, sorry about that. Fixed.Feb 3, 08:53
  • justcantgetitup on Snow Deities: By coincidence, just after this appeared I was using the Random button and went to a submission from 2019 called “Snow Angels” which must be from the same photoshoot because the same woman is there with the mic, but the naked women are on their backs.Feb 3, 08:38
  • Anonymous on Going Out: You should’ve left the shoes at home too!Feb 3, 07:51
  • Anonymous on Discussion: A bunch! I saw them up on twitter/X, but I’m sure they are elsewhere on internet too. Her name is Bianca CensoriFeb 3, 04:09
  • Anonymous on Ironing: What are you staring at?. I just like to wear warm clothes. So I am ironing them before wearing. You don’t get it, being a small person my body is cold a lotFeb 2, 23:06
  • NudeWorldOrder on Discussion: Heh nice. Are there uncensored pics?Feb 2, 19:52
  • Anonymous on Discussion: It seems the new Nude World Order supporter is… Kanye West. Who could have thought. For context: his wife just went basically fully naked to the Grammy’s with him.Feb 2, 17:17
  • MLC777 on Registration Candidate: Looks like Sativa Verte. Yes/no?Feb 2, 16:24
  • Vaguewriter on Going Out: The main problem she had with her boyfriend was he never wanted to go out once he got to her apartment.Feb 2, 14:42
  • Vaguewriter on Wilderness Survival: The park ranger’s tracking skills improved substantially after Tiffani joined the team as the lost camper they were trying to find.Feb 2, 14:38
  • LazyAssassin on Registration Candidate: While my friend’s sister had never been naked outside, she practically lives naked while at home. Whenever I visit their place, she welcomes me naked and spends most of the time together as such. She is clearly not shy, as she insists I take her photos, even letting me set it up at my phone’s screenlock. She says she wants to register PN, but her family disapproves. She is looking for a job and hopes to move out soon. I know she will be registering PN as soon as that happens.Feb 2, 11:25
  • LazyAssassin on Not Naked Anymore: When Amy brought a new house, she also registered PN. After a month, she has gotten over nudity and takes it to be normal for her to be naked everywhere. Now that she realizes that she doesn’t need clothes anymore, nor that she owns any, she suddenly finds herself with too much space. Maybe she could downsize or get a roommate. Would you like to live with her?Feb 2, 11:12
  • William C. Kazak on My Own Way: After hours in south Florida, she discovered a nudist camp. Everyone was required to be completely nude while swimming. She met new friends. They would hike thru the surrounding forest. The trail led to a small lake. Nature is full of pleasant surprises. Nude volleyball became her new sport. She could serve a ball better than most of the other nudists. Life is good. Join us in Florida.Feb 2, 10:04
  • William C. Kazak on Going Out: This female shows us the benefits of going PN. She has accepted her body and is an inspiration to all of us. I would like to follow her example. Perhaps you too could join us. We wish that you would. After all, we live in a cafe society. I look at you. You look at me. Give them something worth looking at.Feb 2, 09:57
  • Vaguewriter on My Own Way: Not long after she registered she learned to her amazement many men liked small perky breasts. Life being what it is, she also discovered that she did not enjoy the attention she got from being nude 24/7/365. She solved that problem by taking a job in south Florida where being a PN didn’t even seem unusual.Feb 2, 06:40
  • Vaguewriter on Not Naked Anymore: Walking past construction sites was still a problem though. There were no lewd comments, but all work stopped until she had passed.Feb 2, 06:25
  • Vaguewriter on Wine-o-Clock: Her flatmate allowed her to do it as long as she thoroughly wiped the counter with disinfectant before breakfast.Feb 2, 06:20
  • Anonymous on Mom Caught Cheating: I would be happy to shave your vulva, it would look much smarterFeb 2, 02:33
  • Anonymous on Not Naked Anymore: very cuteFeb 2, 00:31
  • Anonymous on My Own Way: lovely breasts score 9/10. better than bags of lard any dayFeb 2, 00:28
  • Anonymous on Urban Explorer: These giant machines fascinate me so much. They show epitome of human achievement. These machines stay naked and do big tasks. They inspired me to stay naked as well.. and do something greatFeb 2, 00:16

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