8 Replies to “Eating Healthy”
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Sandy discovered that if she mixed the tofu with bacon, covered it with sausage gravy and served it to her husband naked, he’d eat it. It was her first step in turning him into an ovo-lacto-porko-beefo vegetarian.
That’s uncanny. There are several young women just like this where I work; mousey hair, small breasts, wear woolly hats indoors all year round and eat tofu. Maybe they are scouts sent from an alien planet pathing the way for an invasion…
Hehe, yeah, the caption is based on the idea of people not liking tofu. To be honest though, I don’t think it’s so bad, it just has basically no flavor of its own, so spicing it up is a must.
Soy in general has the effect of converting testosterone into estrogen so for a guy avoiding tofu and other soy based products is a must to stay healthy…if anything she’s going to make him less healthy if she’s pushing this dietary change.
Sandy discovered that if she mixed the tofu with bacon, covered it with sausage gravy and served it to her husband naked, he’d eat it. It was her first step in turning him into an ovo-lacto-porko-beefo vegetarian.
Or as I call it… omni-vegetarian. I eat vegetables and everything else. (aka omnivore)
That’s uncanny. There are several young women just like this where I work; mousey hair, small breasts, wear woolly hats indoors all year round and eat tofu. Maybe they are scouts sent from an alien planet pathing the way for an invasion…
That’s looks like tofu I don’t ever think I would be hungry enough to eat tofu
Hehe, yeah, the caption is based on the idea of people not liking tofu. To be honest though, I don’t think it’s so bad, it just has basically no flavor of its own, so spicing it up is a must.
Plus the mistaken belief that it’s any healthier that what it’s replacing.
Soy in general has the effect of converting testosterone into estrogen so for a guy avoiding tofu and other soy based products is a must to stay healthy…if anything she’s going to make him less healthy if she’s pushing this dietary change.