This page is for general discussion about the “Nude World Order” universe, Permanent Nudity, this website itself, or anything else that seems relevant, including real-life nudity experiences and other media featuring similar themes.
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Hi, I was just wondering how long does it usually take for a submission to appear on the website? Since I sent in some few days ago and I’m not sure if it got rejected or if there is just a very long queue so it will take some time.
I think there’s a always a long queue plus l believe NWO found an old forgotten cache a while back and is seeding these in along with some of the posts from the discord server. I’ve had some posts appear within 4 days of submission and others after 10-12 months. I’ve got a couple of efforts I did in February still out there somewhere. It adds to the excitement. It would be boring indeed if you could predict exactly when your contribution would be published.
Sorry, I’m nowhere near organized enough for there to be a specific answer to this. Usually when I get a submission from a new person, assuming there’s nothing wrong with it, I try to get to it quickly. Or if there is a reason I can’t use it, I try extra hard to let you know in a timely manner. (Note that if submitting anonymously, you may not get this special attention.) But on the other hand I’ve also got some embarrassingly old stuff, like almost a year, sitting around that isn’t rejected per se, but I keep putting off for one reason or another (usually that something about it would more work than usual on my part.)
Regarding rejected submissions, please see Dear Exhibitionists. If that post seems addressed to you, yes you may well have been rejected, otherwise, please wait a bit longer, and if your submission still hasn’t appeared, feel free to contact me through the contact form, or Discord, with specifics about your submission and I’ll double check that I received it etc.
And I do realize this system (or lack there of) isn’t the most satisfying for contributors, but I’ve never figured out a better way that wouldn’t take up more time than I can afford to dedicate to this blog. While rewarding, it already feels like a fairly big time commitment.
Why not get some helpers? I’m sure some of the people here would love to help with sorting submissions and posting them, kinda like moderators.
It has crossed my mind, but ironically, setting that up would also be a fair amount of work. And depending on exactly which work I delegated, it could either be boring to the point where I have doubts anyone would volunteer (e.g. putting captions on pictures when they come separately) or require me to trust them greatly (if they’re actually selecting and posting captions on the blog).
In short it sounds like great idea, but the reality is more complicated.
Hmm, seems like pipeline adjustment would be very beneficial here.
-Change the submissions page in a way where people add all the needed parts them selves, the image, title, tags, etc. When they submit, their post goes into a queue behind other posts. You can have a quick look to review the queue and approve with a single button click for posts to go live. Going through even dozens of submissions would take a minute or two tops this way.
-Stop accepting submissions where the text is not on the image already. Everyone knows how to add a text onto an image, having you do it is just laziness, people can easily put the tiny amount of effort in and put the caption on the image themselves.
-Stop accepting submissions from discord or other sources, if someone wants their image to appear on the site, they can take the 10 seconds needed to submit it through the form here on the website, for your one click approval process.
This will remove 95% of the tedium from the process and turn updating the blog from a chore to a breeze, you will become an efficient, well oiled, nude posting machine.
The only catch there is the modification of the upload form, I do not know if you have the tech know-how to do so yourself, if not I am sure a volunteer could be found who would be happy do it for you, it is a relatively simple change, that only has to be done one time and boom, all is good in the permanude world forever ✌️
You’re right that I could make things easier on myself by being stricter on submissions. It’s been my choice not to do so thus far, but I suppose it’s something to consider.
But as for the part where submissions automatically turn into a post I can just approve… well that sounds nice, but that “catch” is a big one, I have no idea how to make something like that happen either.
Even though I have full control over how the website works theoretically, it’s not like I built it from scratch. It’s WordPress plus a bunch of plug-ins all made by different people, and only limited, mostly graphical, customization directly by me.
Where’s Amy gone I miss her posts they are normal short and sweet and to the point
Fingers crossed nothing bad has happened to her. Maybe she’s in a relationship and just moved on or perhaps she’s got a few posts stacked up in the backlog and is holding fire with any new stuff until NWO catches up with them. Hopefully she’ll pop in to say hello sometime soon.
Awww thank you 🙂
Still here, writing captions. Just don’t want to add to NWOs queue right now cause of the backlog stuff
Don’t worry about it. As I said in another recent answer, it’s much too disorganized to call a “queue”. And honestly pre-captioned images are almost always appreciated, especially when sent in batches. Because having a folder full of images ready to go is the least work possible for me.
No pressure of course, but any time you’re ready to send them, I assure you they’re welcome.
You’re welcome sweetheart
Why is bottomless only used as a punishment?
Do you want the in-universe answer or the real life answer?
I’m curious about both myself
Just an odd thought, but do you know how many posts there have been on NWO?
my rough estimate would be “way over a thousand, at this point”
Way over indeed. As of this moment, the last page is 890, at 10 posts per page that make nearly 9000 posts. Not all are pictures. There are a few status updates and such, but those are the minority.
“Exhibitionist License”:
New similar thing:
This will be quite a lot of links… so sorry.
It started with this:
then they posted with a template:
Then someone else liked the idea, and did it in Koikatsu:
that is an entire thread, with an explanation and stuff.
The koikatsu thing is also on DeviantArt, with the full explanation too:
And… at least one person has used the Koikatsu template, by now:
and I feel that this has the potential to become a trend.
And I’m sorry for this long comment, but I couldn’t help it with this.
I honestly hope that this comment doesn’t somehow get flagged because of all the links.
Happy Nude Summer everyone!
Just a reminder, July 14th is National Nude Day which caps off July 8th – 14th, National Nude Week. Hope you all find fulfilling and fun ways to celebrate the holidays.
Can’t believe there was no July 14, National Nude Day or even National Nude Week themed posts. Or maybe I’ve missed them.
Sorry, been kinda of wrapped up in things the last few days. I had caught some mention of the holiday earlier, but not before this year. Is it a new addition to the nude calendar?
Not exactly new, but still not widely celebrated in the US.
Is there really an official unofficial nude calendar with all the known nude holidays? I know about the National Nude Day and the Working Naked Day, but wasn’t aware about No Panty day. Kinda learned about that one this year because of the submissions posted last month.
All I know is that it’s National Handjob Day … On June 26th
I took an existing thing, and made an edit. Feel free to use it.
Anyone could’ve made it, so no need to credit me if you do use it.
This kisekae image on DeviantArt fits the idea behind that “Puritanical Content” thing quite well
Random Thought:
It wouldn’t be easy being a permanude transgender male or female.
Images are not loading for me lately, both on desktop pc and on smartphone. Does anyone else encounter this. And how to solve it.
To be clear, you mean on this site, right? This is the first I’ve heard about any issue with this recently. Is anyone else having trouble?
Yes. All images just have that img file icon and doesn’t seem to be loading for me.
Well, I’m not sure there’s much I can do. The site itself seems to be working fine, so I guess the problem is in “the cloud” somewhere, I did have a problem like this once before, and it eventually resolved on its own. If past experience is anything to go by, visiting the site through a proxy or VPN might be helpful as a temporary workaround.
If the problem persists say, past this weekend, let me know and I’ll see if I can do anything, but like I said I think this is mostly outside my control.
Show of hands, who would (or wouldn’t) register if NWO became reality (same laws, same amount of pns), and why or why not? I would, just for the scientist part of me that wants to know what it would be like, and for raising my children as pns.
If the NWO were to be reality as depicted on this site, I would most definitely be registered. The only purpose I have for clothing is as safety gear and only when absolutely needed.
I would definitely register as PN no hesitation
I’d register for the sole reason that I’m a nudist, and by extension, the idea of people being sentenced to being nude might encourage a clothes-free life world-round
I def couldn’t, I would be hard 24/7/365. No idea how all these models do it but applause to them
Everyone, your thoughts: so I don’t know if this has been discussed before but let’s say, hypothetically, in a nudist world or nudist predominant environment, how would an authority enact nudity as a punishment? If everyone is nude, it wouldn’t really be a punishment. So, given Nude World Order’s universe, how could a PN sentence be issued in a nudist environment? Would it be a bottom-only sentence, would it be something like doing a spreadie everyday for the local authorities to take note of, or even, a spreadie on display for all to see, like a 5 minute or something duration on a platform? What are your thoughts?
I’ve mentioned a couple times on here (and maybe even in a caption at some point?) that you can get a bottomless sentence if if you were naked before, so that’s one option. But honestly I don’t think it would make sense to have nude punishments in a world were all or a majority of people are nude. Maybe they could do clothed punishments instead?
But I think in this universe, clothed punishments wouldn’t fit in. That’s why I thought possibly to institute a mandatory spreadie or something like that
What is the in universe explanation for this website, if there is one?
I don’t really see it as having a place in-universe. Boring answer, but yeah.
Doubtless there would be a ton of of in-universe websites about permanent nudity: talking up the benefits, giving advice on how to cope with awkward situations, or even condemning it as immoral. But this site doesn’t really fit any of those formats too well. I guess the closest would be sites simply featuring pics of permanently naked people which I’m sure would exist too, but I’ve never really tried to make the blog/site resemble something like that.
I feel like it would be a good idea to have a page dedicated to keeping track of the pn laws within the NWO universe.
It’s in the about page
Thank you! I hadn’t thought to look there yet. I was hoping for a PN laws by country list, but thinking about it now it wouldn’t be realistic to keep track of all of them.
Yeah. Keeping track of exact laws for each country seems like it’d be a chore and if anything, limit creativity. Generally I consider the US the “main setting”, but even there it can vary a bit by state (which is a a good excuse for minor differences like whether the minimum registration is 1 or 2 years, or whether a topless option is available). And of course other countries may have larger differences.
So generally I prefer to leave captions a little bit vague as to location, rather than name specific states or countries and have to worry about keeping the details consistent.
I found this story
I’d love to find out what was going on
–Link Removed–
I got a virus warning when I clicked it.
Same here. Not cool “Mike”.
I don’t want to assume ill intend on his part, and I didn’t see any problem with the link myself, but since two people said it gave them a warning, I went ahead and removed the link for safety’s sake.
I got the virus warning as well