
This page is for general discussion about the “Nude World Order” universe,  Permanent Nudity, this website itself, or anything else that seems relevant, including real-life nudity experiences and other media featuring similar themes.

Note: If replying to a specific comment, please use the Reply link below it to keep conversations easy to follow.

840 Replies to “Discussion”

Note: Comments are mostly uncensored and not necessarily endorsed by the site owner.
  1. So today at work I was reading over some power points slides that kept using the abbreviation PN for “part number”
    You all can imagine what term I kept thinking of every time I saw it.

  2. With all the prudish ‘moral majority’ I’m kinda curious if anyone thinks this could ever be legal someday in real life?

    • Also unrelated I’m trying to round up all the naked people that I know in New York to see who wants to do like a naked body painted costume thing for the Halloween parade in New York City

    • I don’t think it’s so much a “moral majority” but a very vocal minority (such as various individuals who post in the comments section here) who harangue and bully the rest of us into submission. Plus the younger generation these days for whatever reason prefer to keep their clothes on. Anecdotally, I noticed a sharp decline in topless women sunbathing since the early 2000’s when on holiday in Europe which coincides with the improvement of mobile phone cameras, sites like Voyeurweb (What I saw categories) and some highly publicised revenge porn cases. Sadly the full article was behind a paywall but I read that naturist clubs are literally dying out in the UK as younger people are not replacing the 1960’s permissive society members as they pass away. We’ve gone backwards as a society in that casual nudism seems to be regarded as perversion. We even had people over here complaining about a TV cookery programme where a female chef wore a low cut, off the shoulder top in the kitchen. Not happening in my lifetime. Hopefully the tide will turn again and you young ‘uns will live long enough to see the dream come true.

  3. Permanent nudity can only be done step by step. Apparently, it’s a utopia, but more hotbeds of nudism will mean more followers. There will certainly be opponents, but taking off your clothes means changing your thinking and, directly causally, your behavior. I felt it a long time ago when I first undressed and went swimming. I was in a communist country with several outbreaks of nudists, some organized, some natural, wild. We were monitored, sometimes admonished, but if we stayed in groups, there was nothing they could do. Opening the mind also means opening the senses and, … many surprises. What do you do when you’re 15 or 16 and on a nudist beach, you come across your mother, naked, kissing her best friend, or your aunt? The visual stimulus works… and so does the subconscious… You have no way to control them!

  4. I was thinking it would make sense to have a customized random, like how you can search using tags. Just some way to see specifically what I’m looking for, but still randomized would be nice.

    • Like “show me a random post from bottomless tag” or something like that?” It’s an interesting idea but I’m limited by the wordpress plug-ins available, and I’ve never seen anything like that.

      • I was thinking being able to use the tag search, like family+outdoors, to get a random post that fits those, but I have a different idea now. What if you added a shuffle feature to the tag search, so it would randomize the order of the results. It could even be integrated as a sort by feature, which is another thing I would like. Being able to sort by when it was posted, the number of likes, etc. would be nice.

  5. What do you guys think should be the standard etiquette on public transportation?

    I have a few ideas.

    #1 Prudes. Their PN status is certainly not voluntary. They’ll avoid public transportation unless it’s nearly empty or if they get to wear something around their waist at least.

    #2 Traditional nudists. They’re used to be nude all the time but deep inside they still think a little bit like prudes, so they’ll bring a towel and will avoid touching other people. They’ll also avoid erections at all costs and think it’s rude if it happens to somebody else. They might cover it with a towel if it happens to them.

    #3 Real PNs or “just be yourself”. Almost no restrictions, just act like you would if you were clothed. It’s OK if it’s crowded. Casual skin-on-skin contact between strangers is not a problem and boners are OK too, as long as you don’t stimulate it with your hands or try to shove it in somebody elses holes, it’s all good, even if it gently touches somebody else. It’s just another body part, you know? Just like hands or legs.

    #4 LWD or “Lewd World Order”. Just like 3 but with absolutely no restrictions regarding sex.

    My favorite option is #3. It still sounds realistic and even I wouldn’t want every bus or train ride to be potential sexual adventure if I’m not in the mood. Also it’s delightful to be nude around other nude people and feel comfortable that nobody is going to pressure anybody else into things they’re not really looking for.

    What are your thoughts?

    • As someone who’s nude as often as practical I’d like have no problem being on public transport naked. If someone brushes past me they brush past me. If someone nudges my butt to get me to move out of the way or move up some I’d be totally fine with it. I wouldn’t want anyone to touch my pussi tho or grab a boob or nipple but if someone accidentally brushed past a nipple or something I totally wouldn’t care.

        • In my perfect nude utopia, people wouldn’t need bodyguards…

          Think about it, we don’t need to cover our eyes, mouth, ears or hair all the time like we need to cover our genitals. Yet we generally feel safe that nobody is going to harass us pulling our hair or ear in public, even when standing close to strangers.

          That’s how being nude in public should be. Liberating and exciting, not risky or unsafe.

  6. I know, this is a long one. But I think this is a great place to bring this up! I hope NudeWorldOrder will agree with me and let this comment be submitted. I inserted a few links to make it clear for readers what I’m talking about.
    You can say, I do not know how to google it, or I’m living under a stone. Please, feel free to enlighten me and/or share your thoughts about the topic(s). Meanwhile, I did a minimum of a little research on this topic and what I found is disappointing. Or I’m possibly the one of the biggest libertarian, while others the most prudish/extremely conservative/bigot as f*ck.

    Let’s start with something I old enough to know: the first(?) Hollywood movie with a PN character – with a very meaningful name: Areola in the Not Another Teen Movie, from 2001 // see: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0277371/ If I’m wrong, you can correct me in your comment. Cerina Vincent played Areola, and she was 22 yr old when they were shooting the movie. During the movie you can see her (fake?) boobs and her bare buttocks several times. And she is looking good! Once she and Janey leave the Principal’s office, while she walks out following Janey, unfortunately we cannot see her magic triangle, there’s no full frontal nudity. Somehow, you cannot see her pubic area, not even her labia, something is always hiding it. And we can see her bums and (fake?) boobs while she is walking in the hallway with Jayne to the Chemistry class. Nothing about her pubic mound.

    Jennifer Lawrence as Maddie – No Hard Feelings. I guess everyone remembers when she walked out from the sea and started a fight, naked. I mean, she wasn’t bottomless, because she was wearing a dark dense bush between her legs. Because why not? We know the character’s personality and attitude… I guess, a woman like Maddie, in real life, never wears a dense bush. It just doesn’t make sense. Why is a persona like her not shaved? Yes, I know, Hollywood works differently.

    Jennifer Lawrence as Dominika – Red Sparrow. Do you remember the famous scene in the classroom? She strips fully naked, she sits down on the edge of the table while she spreads her legs widely. We can see her round ass, her left breast and her left leg. And nothing else. OF COURSE, the cameraman stands behind the male actor. OF COURSE the male actor is standing in front of her and he covers 75% of Dominika’s body. There’s no way the cameraman could move to the right to have a chance to see more about her. The pure view of a trimmed/shaved pussy would be sickening, disastrous and unacceptable in a Hollywood movie! WHY?
    // see: https://www.aznude.com/azncdn/d74d44c6ce904e0a82252e36956ba0d6/d74d44c6ce904e0a82252e36956ba0d6-hd.html

    OK, Jennifer Lawrence is a celebrity, a big name, a huge star, she won’t do full nudes. Fine. But what about her co-actress, Sonya (Nicole O’Neill)? Because she is making love, when Dominika attacks her in the steam. Sonya lands on the floor. OF COURSE she lands on her right side, hiding her pubic area all the way. We can see her boobs and her butts… but she lies on her right side on the floor until the end of the scene. Cool. I mean it doesn’t. It is a sauna.

    OK, fly away from Hollywood, and let’s see, what the Frenchs can offer? Somebody was asking about the French tv-series, Nu (or Nude or Naked) from 2018 // see: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7420880/ not a long time ago. I watched the first episode. And no offence, some may like what the first episode brings to the screen. But I don’t.
    Bare male buttocks and full frontal male nudity in the first few minutes. Twice more in the second half of the episode. If you want to see a bare breast for a fraction of a second (LOL!), you have to wait more than 14 minutes (no, the cleaning lady in the hallway doesn’t matter). After 17 minutes into the episode, you can see more penises again (there are a lot, trust me!): shaved, trimmed or hairy. And you can see 5 women in the hall standing/walking: they are naked and you can see their breasts, but only 2 ladies’ pubic mounds are visible only – OF COURSE they are hairy! On top of that, one of the ladies wears her see-through belt bag in front of her pubic mound and it covers everything.

    While we – and I mean, we = the western societies, like North America, Europe, Australia & New Zealand for example – are celebrating the female body itself, the beauty and the sexiness of the femininity, all their curves and shapes, we are being extremely happy when we (straight men and lesbians and bisex women) worshipping women’s sexuality while we are pleasuring them, while we are doing everything we can for the DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) and we’re trying to be acceptable as much as we can…
    Where did all these things go off the rail? Why is it a huge problem to see a shaved pubic mound/mons pubis with labia majora + labia minora (outer & inner lips) on the screens??? Why can I see scrotums/nutsack and penises, sometimes hairy men butts more often? There’s no problem with that, but still. Where are the trimmed, or shaved pussies without sexual connotations, of course, from the movies, tv-series? Is there a real big difference between showing (fake) boobs, bare buttocks and a shaved pussy? I mean, what is wrong with a pubic mound with trimmed hair on it? Is it vulgar? Is it disgusting? Is it pornographic? Is it offensive? Or what? If a labia minora (inner lips) are vulgar, disgusting and pornographic in a mainstream Hollywood movie, or in a random tv-series, what about a male buttocks, or a hairy penis? Why male parts are funny, acceptable, or even ignorable (it is hanging in front of your eyes for a few seconds, but who cares)?
    Blur that pussy out, or cut out that few seconds while the focus is on the nude actress, if the director/producer is worrying about the MPAA ratings…
    But make her perfectly shaved gem clearly visible for the adult audience!!!

    Today’s option 1 is: if we can see a woman pubic area in the mainstream A, or B, or C list movies, in tv-series: it is very, very hairy, not even trimmed, there’s no bikini line, just the thick bush/pubic hair.
    Option 2: no other option, return back to Option 1.
    Honestly, how many women between the ages of 18 and 58 wear dense bushes between her legs today? It is not the 50s, or the 60s, it is 2010s/2020s.

    A little side note: when I was a 15, or a 16 yr old teenager, a few of my fellow male classmates and male friends of mine thought a regular adult women vulva looks like a Barbie dolls’ pussy – we used to call it “babe pussy”. No innies are visible (labia minora short enough to hide between the labia majora), we could see the outies, with a thin line between the two parts. Thanks to the educational system… When these guys saw a longer/bigger labia minora in an adult magazine, or in a porn video (they said it looks like a cauliflower due to the frilly, wavy, uneven edges of the labia minora) sits between the labia majora, they say: “Her pussy is outworn/worn out, she probably fucked 1,000 times, or more!!”
    Like WTF?

    All these train of thought above generated by this article: https://www.mamamia.com.au/why-australian-law-demands-all-vaginas-be-digitally-altered-nsfw/
    “Many of those models actually have outies in real life, which have been ‘healed to a single crease’ (that’s the charming term used in the magazine industry) with the aid of image editing software. Think of it as ‘digital labiaplasty’. It’s important to be clear that this is not something magazines do to suit the taste of their readership. Although mainstream pornography is hardly known (or appreciated) for a commitment to realism, in this particular case it’s a different issue. They’re not removing lady bits because people don’t want to see them, in the same way they smooth out cellulite or remove blemishes. They’re removing them because as far as the Classification Board is concerned, the labia minora are too rude for soft porn. It’s as though the censors think you could only possibly see it by spreading your legs or pulling your flaps apart.”

    And this one: https://web.archive.org/web/20160304090550/http://birdeemag.com/blame-brazilian/
    “Dr Simonis, who has consulted with patients as young as 17 seeking referrals for plastic surgery, believes part of the problem is that young women are not aware of what a “normal” vulva looks like, and are convinced they should have what she calls a Barbie doll “ideal”. Experts have previously blamed women’s lack of awareness for what a “normal” vagina looks like on the proliferation of online pornography and the industry’s failure to depict a range of different labia. However porn star Angela White disagrees, and argues Australia’s censorship laws are the real problem. Frustratingly, the Australian Classification Board requires that images of vulvae “must be healed to a single crease” – that means no inner labia are permitted to be shown. It’s a bizarre situation, given that many women’s vulvas look nothing like the ‘single crease’ the board insists they should do. “If you actually look at pornography on the internet, there are all different sizes and all different shapes and all different colours of vulvas that are being celebrated,” White says in the 2013 ABC documentary The Vagina Diaries.”

    Thanks for your time, please, share your thoughts. I guess Amy will be here soon, ladies’ comments are more than welcome.

    • Yeah it’s kinda sad that people in general aren’t able to see what normal bodies look like.

      I myself really thought my penis wasn’t really normal when I was younger until I finally found a website with lots of pictures with subtitles: this is normal, this is normal too, this is normal too, this one is not, but this one is normal, this is normal… and so on. I guess girls need to find a website like that too.

      Or of course we could be exposed to all kinds of normal bodies on a day to day basis with sexual education, more realistic movies or dare I say a body acceptance semester in college where everybody is nude 24/7.

      OTOH, I don’t think showing hairy pussies in movies is a bad thing if done realistically and not only to hide the details. Being hairy is their natural state after all! And even if lots of people prefer a little less hair down there (or none at all), their natural state should never be frowned upon. Frankly seeing a completely naked girl being playful and unashamed of her pubic hair is like mother nature herself slapping your face and saying: I’m a grown up now, why don’t you get closer to me?

  7. Well, I know I ran off my mouth and was, for lack of a better term, kind of a dick. But I do enjoy this site and if I’m still welcome, I’ve got a few ideas for new submissions. Should I send them in soon or should I tuck my tail between my legs and take off? Also, I noticed recently somebody mentioning that “we all know how to put text on images” well, I’m not sure I do, I haven’t done much with that before and am kind of a klutz with these things. Is that a problem? I’d love to get back to contributing but if me or my crappy incomplete posts are not worth it, I would understand.

    • As much as this stuff annoys me, yes you’re still welcome to contribute.

      As for the text, I do have a tutorial on how to do it in Paint.net. And linked at the bottom of that one is another for GIMP. Both are free programs. I prefer pre-captioned images, since they save me time, but if you can’t figure it out, it’s not a dealbreaker. You’re not the only one who still sends me the text separately.

  8. ” admin needs to stop posting…. -Wrinkly old dick”. Ouch. As one of the worst offenders on here since the pandemic, that hit home. 99.9% of the stuff I submit is humorous and in some posts I’ve used myself as a comedic prop because the jokes just wouldn’t work for me if I’d either used a better looking male model or tried to make it a female based caption. Hands up, I’ve been so engrossed in creating stuff that I never once stopped to think about the potential demographic of an audience who may not particularly want to see someone the age of their dad (or even their grandad) in the buff when, after all, the majority of us come on here to see the naked women. If anyone has been genuinely grossed out by my posts then I do apologise. I’ve decided to scrub the latest one I just finished and won’t submit any more full-frontal stuff of myself again. Sorry again for any offence caused.

    • Dude don’t care about these idiots. They really think that in a PN world only hot young girls would register? They are the ones who should leave if they don’t wanna see dicks. In a PN world there’d be hot women, hot men, ugly women and ugly men nude everywhere, if they want to see only nude girls, they can look up on google or any other website. Here we are thinking about a fantasy world, but even it would have nude people of all kind. Don’t stop to post yourself because of one single douchebag. You contribute to this community much more than an aleatory person.

  9. Thoughts…

    Recently I’ve kinda noticed the whole brother seeing sister and dad seeing daughter captions hinting more and more at, you know.

    Like, my parents know I’m a part time naturist and kinda a little exhibitionist, but they see me without clothes on pretty rarely cause I cover up when they come over or I’m dressed when I go over their house for something. I get that there’s mileage in family seeing you naked and the embarassement it can cause even for someone who’s nude a lot like me. But I’m not so sure about the like sexual overtones some posts kinda have. And yeah, full disclosure I’m not trying to be a prude lol. I’m saying this as someone who kinda showed off for her uncle (mom’s sisters husband) when she was like 18-20 ish but I think its different for family who aren’t like blood related and even ones who are that don’t live with you.

    It could just be me reading things into some of them cause of the poses tho, so what are your thoughts everyone?

    • It’s always been here, but seems more prevalent lately, yes. I don’t approve of it at all, but it’s not going anywhere. The blog condones, if not promotes, incest so…guess we have to live with that to enjoy the other stuff.

            • It’s not literally showing incest, but it’s promoting that fantasy. Glad you can agree with that.

              Creepy AF, if you ask me but…c’est la vie. I’ve learned that if I want to enjoy this blog in general, it’s a necessary evil to put up with it. I don’t like it, if it gets to be too much or too frequent I will have to leave. I’m not trying to start fights or anything, but I think it’s something that shouldn’t be ignored either. It is here and it really shouldn’t be, IMO.

              BUT…at least for now, it’s at a bearable level. I’ll try not to overreact and name call, but I admit I have very little tolerance for this kind of thing. I really hope we see a lot less incest and “pedo” type stuff going forward.

      • Jesus cry me a river.

        Tough shit. There are plenty of submissions here I’m not into either and you know what I do? Just scroll past them and don’t engage with them. It’s THAT easy.
        Don’t like it? Close the tab.

    • I take family settings as appropriately innocent (not sexual between close relatives – siblings, parent/child, grandparent/grandchild, aunt/nephew, uncle/niece.)
      When encountering captions that hint at or directly mention incest, I mostly ignore such captions and enjoy the view, and/or change the caption in my own reading to something more appropriate.

    • Lemme just give my perspective. I can’t speak for what’s in the heads of contributors, but my take is that because many people would be especially embarrassed to be naked in front of family members, or conversely seeing family members naked, these situations are fertile ground for some exciting captions. I don’t see them as implying any actual incest, though the incest taboo may play a part in the awkwardness.

      Also I don’t know if I agree that these are getting more common, I feel like it’s been something that comes up from time to time pretty much as long as I’ve been running the blog, which has been quite a long time now.

      • I’m no prude for sure but I think there’s a difference between nudity in front of family and like the discomfort that could cause and ones that hint of lewdity. Like you do always you kinda raised a good point tho of the taboo being part of things. The feeling that those people “shouldn’t” be seeing you naked. Believe me that kinda makes a lot of sense lol

        • I experienced that kind of discomfort just as I was entering puberty. I used to sit on the floor to watch TV and once accidentally caught a view up my Mom’s skirt as she was sat on the sofa and saw her lady garden through sheer panties. So I simultaneously recoiled in disgust at seeing my Mother’s minge and instantly got a very noticeable erection. This being the real world, she didn’t say “Oh sweetie, that’s cute! Your first boner! Put it inside me to celebrate!” but glared at me with a face like thunder. I fled the room screaming in embarrassment. We never discussed the incident ever.

    • It’s mostly just in the mind of the actual reader you can change the perspective of the way you read what is written by simply changing your emotions while reading it as soon as you read the words family and nudity your brain automatically makes it incest for some people but for others it becomes a naked and non sexual and fun family activity and of course the ones who see it as incest need their heads seeing too

    • If the caption only mentions being nude in front of a relative in a non-sexual way, like I did in my caption “Where are you sis?”, I think it is pretty fine since it is something that would eventually happen in a PN world.

      However, some captions do seem to imply some over the edge relations, which I think is pretty lame.

      • I guess she’s invisible while naked and visible under clothing. So the parts under the transparent swimsuit are in full view

      • basically, “she is invisible everywhere except for where she’d want to be invisible”
        because “when you get the power of invisibility, you assume that it’ll be full invisibility, but really, that’s not guaranteed.”

  10. Hi, I was just wondering how long does it usually take for a submission to appear on the website? Since I sent in some few days ago and I’m not sure if it got rejected or if there is just a very long queue so it will take some time.

    • I think there’s a always a long queue plus l believe NWO found an old forgotten cache a while back and is seeding these in along with some of the posts from the discord server. I’ve had some posts appear within 4 days of submission and others after 10-12 months. I’ve got a couple of efforts I did in February still out there somewhere. It adds to the excitement. It would be boring indeed if you could predict exactly when your contribution would be published.

    • Sorry, I’m nowhere near organized enough for there to be a specific answer to this. Usually when I get a submission from a new person, assuming there’s nothing wrong with it, I try to get to it quickly. Or if there is a reason I can’t use it, I try extra hard to let you know in a timely manner. (Note that if submitting anonymously, you may not get this special attention.) But on the other hand I’ve also got some embarrassingly old stuff, like almost a year, sitting around that isn’t rejected per se, but I keep putting off for one reason or another (usually that something about it would take a little more work than usual on my part.)

      Regarding rejected submissions, please see Dear Exhibitionists. If that post seems addressed to you, yes you may well have been rejected, otherwise, please wait a bit longer, and if your submission still hasn’t appeared, feel free to contact me through the contact form, or Discord, with specifics about your submission and I’ll double check that I received it etc.

      And I do realize this system (or lack there of) isn’t the most satisfying for contributors, but I’ve never figured out a better way that wouldn’t take up more time than I can afford to dedicate to this blog. While rewarding, it already feels like a fairly big time commitment.

      • Why not get some helpers? I’m sure some of the people here would love to help with sorting submissions and posting them, kinda like moderators.

        • It has crossed my mind, but ironically, setting that up would also be a fair amount of work. And depending on exactly which work I delegated, it could either be boring to the point where I have doubts anyone would volunteer (e.g. putting captions on pictures when they come separately) or require me to trust them greatly (if they’re actually selecting and posting captions on the blog).

          In short it sounds like great idea, but the reality is more complicated.

          • Hmm, seems like pipeline adjustment would be very beneficial here.
            -Change the submissions page in a way where people add all the needed parts them selves, the image, title, tags, etc. When they submit, their post goes into a queue behind other posts. You can have a quick look to review the queue and approve with a single button click for posts to go live. Going through even dozens of submissions would take a minute or two tops this way.
            -Stop accepting submissions where the text is not on the image already. Everyone knows how to add a text onto an image, having you do it is just laziness, people can easily put the tiny amount of effort in and put the caption on the image themselves.
            -Stop accepting submissions from discord or other sources, if someone wants their image to appear on the site, they can take the 10 seconds needed to submit it through the form here on the website, for your one click approval process.
            This will remove 95% of the tedium from the process and turn updating the blog from a chore to a breeze, you will become an efficient, well oiled, nude posting machine.
            The only catch there is the modification of the upload form, I do not know if you have the tech know-how to do so yourself, if not I am sure a volunteer could be found who would be happy do it for you, it is a relatively simple change, that only has to be done one time and boom, all is good in the permanude world forever ✌️

            • You’re right that I could make things easier on myself by being stricter on submissions. It’s been my choice not to do so thus far, but I suppose it’s something to consider.

              But as for the part where submissions automatically turn into a post I can just approve… well that sounds nice, but that “catch” is a big one, I have no idea how to make something like that happen either.

              Even though I have full control over how the website works theoretically, it’s not like I built it from scratch. It’s WordPress plus a bunch of plug-ins all made by different people, and only limited, mostly graphical, customization directly by me.

    • Fingers crossed nothing bad has happened to her. Maybe she’s in a relationship and just moved on or perhaps she’s got a few posts stacked up in the backlog and is holding fire with any new stuff until NWO catches up with them. Hopefully she’ll pop in to say hello sometime soon.

    • Awww thank you 🙂

      Still here, writing captions. Just don’t want to add to NWOs queue right now cause of the backlog stuff

      • Don’t worry about it. As I said in another recent answer, it’s much too disorganized to call a “queue”. And honestly pre-captioned images are almost always appreciated, especially when sent in batches. Because having a folder full of images ready to go is the least work possible for me.

        No pressure of course, but any time you’re ready to send them, I assure you they’re welcome.

        • Type in Amy into the search bar and all her posts will show she has actually posted a picture of herself you’ve just got to figure out which one it is

        • I think it goes like this:

          Topless: People already go topless, so it’d be kinda nice to have legal protection in case someone tries to force you wear clothes.

          Naked: Nudists would choose this option for the same reason as above. They (we) believe going nude is the best way to live their life and want legal protection. Going halfway wouldn’t do it, being nude is their (our) lifestyle choice.

          Bottomless: Textiles could accept toplessness (reluctantly) but not bottomlessness. Nudists would think it’s too much clothing for them. It’s a punishment for both kinds of people.

        • Hey, sorry I kind of overlooked your reply, I didn’t really notice until someone else responded.

          So the in-universe explanation is that permanently naked came first and more or less from the beginning had this duel nature as a punishment, but also something you could sign up for. So the story goes it was deemed successful as an alternative to prison, but authorities were concerned the number of people signing up voluntarily would weaken the effectiveness.

          So they invented permanently bottomless as a new status that would be reserved only as a punishment, to hopefully keep it more embarrassing.

          You didn’t ask, but since Nudist Rebel brought it up, topless came last, and was probably mainly a compromise offering for women who wanted to be able to go topless any time.

          And the IRL reason for bottomless being that way is basically just that this is what forevernakegirl on tumblr made up, I copied it, and have chosen to keep it consistent since then. It’s definitely not how the law would be in an ideal world, but “Nude World Order” isn’t supposed to be a utopia.

    • Just a reminder, July 14th is National Nude Day which caps off July 8th – 14th, National Nude Week. Hope you all find fulfilling and fun ways to celebrate the holidays.

  11. Images are not loading for me lately, both on desktop pc and on smartphone. Does anyone else encounter this. And how to solve it.

        • Well, I’m not sure there’s much I can do. The site itself seems to be working fine, so I guess the problem is in “the cloud” somewhere, I did have a problem like this once before, and it eventually resolved on its own. If past experience is anything to go by, visiting the site through a proxy or VPN might be helpful as a temporary workaround.

          If the problem persists say, past this weekend, let me know and I’ll see if I can do anything, but like I said I think this is mostly outside my control.

  12. Show of hands, who would (or wouldn’t) register if NWO became reality (same laws, same amount of pns), and why or why not? I would, just for the scientist part of me that wants to know what it would be like, and for raising my children as pns.

    • If the NWO were to be reality as depicted on this site, I would most definitely be registered. The only purpose I have for clothing is as safety gear and only when absolutely needed.

    • I’d register for the sole reason that I’m a nudist, and by extension, the idea of people being sentenced to being nude might encourage a clothes-free life world-round

    • I def couldn’t, I would be hard 24/7/365. No idea how all these models do it but applause to them

  13. Everyone, your thoughts: so I don’t know if this has been discussed before but let’s say, hypothetically, in a nudist world or nudist predominant environment, how would an authority enact nudity as a punishment? If everyone is nude, it wouldn’t really be a punishment. So, given Nude World Order’s universe, how could a PN sentence be issued in a nudist environment? Would it be a bottom-only sentence, would it be something like doing a spreadie everyday for the local authorities to take note of, or even, a spreadie on display for all to see, like a 5 minute or something duration on a platform? What are your thoughts?

    • I’ve mentioned a couple times on here (and maybe even in a caption at some point?) that you can get a bottomless sentence if if you were naked before, so that’s one option. But honestly I don’t think it would make sense to have nude punishments in a world were all or a majority of people are nude. Maybe they could do clothed punishments instead?

      • But I think in this universe, clothed punishments wouldn’t fit in. That’s why I thought possibly to institute a mandatory spreadie or something like that

    • I don’t really see it as having a place in-universe. Boring answer, but yeah.

      Doubtless there would be a ton of of in-universe websites about permanent nudity: talking up the benefits, giving advice on how to cope with awkward situations, or even condemning it as immoral. But this site doesn’t really fit any of those formats too well. I guess the closest would be sites simply featuring pics of permanently naked people which I’m sure would exist too, but I’ve never really tried to make the blog/site resemble something like that.

  14. I feel like it would be a good idea to have a page dedicated to keeping track of the pn laws within the NWO universe.

      • Thank you! I hadn’t thought to look there yet. I was hoping for a PN laws by country list, but thinking about it now it wouldn’t be realistic to keep track of all of them.

        • Yeah. Keeping track of exact laws for each country seems like it’d be a chore and if anything, limit creativity. Generally I consider the US the “main setting”, but even there it can vary a bit by state (which is a a good excuse for minor differences like whether the minimum registration is 1 or 2 years, or whether a topless option is available). And of course other countries may have larger differences.

          So generally I prefer to leave captions a little bit vague as to location, rather than name specific states or countries and have to worry about keeping the details consistent.

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